Free creation of web surveys
HTML 5.0 support
Backward compatibility to HTML 4.01
With or without JavaScript
Tofane, Dolomites South Tyrol
Multiple Forms Interaction
Briceljk 2346m Julian Alps
Using AJAX or not
Carnic Alps
UTF-8 (using International Characters)
Hohe Tauern
Validators for numbers and entered text
Wangenitztal Schobergruppe
A significant number of templates
Built-in tools to copy items and entire surveys
Kamnik–Savinja Alps
10 basic types of items with many versions
Around 30 different settings per survey
Julian Alps /Alpi Giulie/
Items with one or more choices. Required items
View from Monte Zabus /Zabuš/ 2244m to west
Working with images
Canin (Kanin) group in the distance
Working with multimedia (video, audio)
Ranking of choice within the same item (ranks)
Who are you?
Background monitoring display times of items
Built-in timers
Statistics for items (charts, tables)
View from Mangart 2679m
Export data to Excel, HTML formats
Kamnik–Savinja Alps
Web forms that are used for data entry
Starting surveys within your website
Triglav from Pihavec. Below are Plemenice
No advertising
See our demo gallery
Membership is absolutely free
Luknja Julian Alps
Image Slider


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