This is our demo gallery.

Please also visit our demo website with a series of abstract examples (with charts, timers, validators, ranks, images, text, audio, video content)

Mountain air is an free application for creating web surveys.

How it works Mountain air?

By logging in the Mountain air application you can create your own complex web research. After you create your research, you get a public shareable link like the following examples (see below).

After that, all your users can access this public link to start your research.

We allow calls from other domains ie. other websites. Your users do not have to be logged in Mountain air application to start your survey.

With your public link(s) you can freely dispose of (simple copy/paste) according to your needs. You can always temporarily disable this public link and then activate this link again.

Links examples with images different raster (grid):

Cognitive research raster 1+6x1 (short)

Cognitive research raster 1+6x1 (very looooong - only for masochists)

Cognitive research raster 3x3

Cognitive research raster 1x4

2D mental rotation raster 1+1x4

The images can be displayed in one or more rows (and columns). You can easily adjust the size of the image on the screen (raster) inside your research. Images can be static (display only) or dynamic (respond on click). Some pictures can be defined as a pattern (a model for comparison). Such images can not be selected ie. not respond to a click. This way you can create more complex research with images.

The main dependent variable in our research is a user answer (a string or ordinal number of the selected option in the item). However, in cases where it is possible to choose more choices within the same item, it is possible to follow the order of choosing choices (options, answers) within each item => ranks. Also in the background is automatically recorded display time for each (group of) items on the screen. Note that time and ranks in some researches may be more valuable than the user answer.

Links examples with ranks (how to use ranks):

Ranks with images: Picture Arrangement example

Ranks with text - Sentences example

It is possible to follow the order of selection with ranks. Ranks will store the order of choosing among several options (choices). Ranks can be hidden or visible. This application always stores ranks with options (choices).

See also two examples from this page - with the use of ranks with text and images.

Examples of the use of time in research (how to use time):

Stroop effect modification - Shapes

Stroop effect modification - Emotional

Stroop effect modification

Serial memory forward digit position

Working memory WM3 demo

Cognitive research with timer

Every research that used timers actually measure time. Timers can be visible or invisible. When the time expires Timer can automatically stop the research and send the results to the database on the server.

Keep track time with text content is easily applicable. This is realized by inserting critical items within the research. Critical items for example can be stressful or socially sensitive (tricky) questions. It is best to insert these items somewhere in the middle of research. At the same time, You have to use Page break between items.

General (abstract) examples:

Basic types of items example

Basic types of items demo

Questionnaires - Likert scale example:

Likert scale Buttons 10 items Data entry example

Also see many examples on this website

The form and content of your research mostly depends on your creativity and imagination.

In our research, you can display: text data, images, audio, video files and use timers. You can define validators separately for each item as well as minimum and maximum number of options that can be selected within each item (single or multiple choice questions). You can display statistics for each item (table and 10 types of graphs). In the background (hidden or visible), you can monitor the time of displaying each group of items, as well as the order of selection options within each item (ranks).

It is not possible to display all types of surveys here, because of the large number of combinations of options that can vary within each survey. You have a significant number of templates that let you create a new survey. As you can see all the surveys have a Multiple Forms feature that lets you simultaneously start more surveys on one web page, but also the possibility to start surveys within your web page. Multiple Forms feature means that each survey works independently of other surveys on the same web page. So here on the same page there are many different surveys that operate independently of each other.

As this website at the same time shows the huge number of surveys (with a huge number of images, and audio files), page loading speed of this website is probably slow. In real world scenarios (1-2 surveys per web page) loading a web page goes a lot faster.

You may also want to see examples from this page - what they look like as an external html link:

3D Mental rotation raster 2x3

3D Cognitive research raster 2x2

3D Cognitive raster 2x3

Cognitive research ranks raster 1+6x1

Facial Expressions smiley

Audio animals example

Ranks geography

Multiple choice questions - Geography

One choice questions - History

Demo PIE Chart example

Demo Column Chart example

Cognitive research 4x1 example

Likert scale Buttons Data entry example

Cognitive research 2D rotate 1+4x1 example

Likert scale Radio buttons example

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